Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Remember that gym pass that I have .. that I pay for each month! I decided to try using it again. I went to the gym on Saturday. Did the treadmill for 45 min and the elliptical for 15.

Monday -- Super stressful day. I was sooo tired. I hit the gym mostly to try and work out some of my pent up stress for work. 45 min on the treadmill. I am trying to do some speed work now that I am back on the treadmill. Kinda fun.

Today I will have to hit the gym just to try and work off even half of the candy I have consumed today. I am out of control! Must be stress! I hate grades ...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I can't tell if I am sick again or have crazy allergies. Sore throat, sinus headache, super stuffy, starting to get a cough. Exactly what I had a few weeks ago. My point being that I don't feel very good so I have not been getting out to exercise. The forecast says this week is the end of our nice fall weather ... winter is coming. So .. I made myself get out on my bike today. 11 miles. Just up through AF. Felt good. I hope to get a couple more long rides in outside but I don't know if that will happen. I always have my trainer!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Saturday -- 30.46 mile ride. It was such a perfect day for a ride. Jessie came down and we went and rode the west side of the lake. I can tell with these rides that I am improving.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Saturday -- I ran! First run since my tri (well kinda, I did run at the gym last week, so this is my first run outside). Between 3.5 and 4 miles. I didn't wear my watch. I felt great! It was one of my better runs in a long time. I had eaten about an hour before I went and I had a bit of a stomach ache. At one point I had to stop and walk because I really thought I was going to throw up. I was super bugged because I felt so good leg and breathing wise. I should not have been walking. But I really could have thrown up if I would not have willed myself not to. It was weird. All and all it was a great run.

I got a trainer for my bike. I set it up and road for about 25 min. It is much harder than riding outside ... kinda like being on a treadmill.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Monday -- Pilates. Great workout. Full reformer and kettle bells.

Tuesday -- 11 mile bike ride. 45 min. (ish) It was so windy that it felt like I was riding in slow motion. Good ride.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Saturday -- 20 mile bike ride. 1:13. I road up into Alpine. Came back down past Lone Peak high school. I was almost home and realized I was not going to get 20 miles. It is harder than you think to get miles in. So I did another loop through American Fork. I need to figure some routes that give me some long miles. It was a great ride. Perfect weather!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Finally went back to pilates after not being able to go for a couple weeks. I picked back up with my kettle bells. I am a bit sore today. It was a good workout.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Saturday -- 26.77 mile bike ride. 1:35 hr. Laura and I went to the west side of Utah lake. I love riding over there. It was a beautiful day to ride. I felt really good. My bum was pretty sore by the end. My hands still get a little tingly ... but all and all I felt pretty good.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tuesday -- 16 mile bike ride about an hour. I have found a nice route through AF up into Alpine. Very few stop signs or lights and not too much traffic. A small hill. I can add miles if I need to. I felt good.

Wednesday -- Went back to the gym for the first time in FOUR months! Good thing I am paying for that gym pass. I got home late, it was getting dark and I wanted to go for a run. So back to the gym I go. I sure don't love the treadmill. 3 miles. Walked about half of that. I am still getting over this cold and running probably isn't the best thing to be doing.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Yuba Lake Triathlon

Over all a pretty good race ... for not having trained. Small race. According to the race results there were only 181 people in the sprint. I really enjoyed the course. It was a cold morning. The water was nice but because of the cold air and being wet it was a very cold start to the bike. Perfect weather for running. I was not impressed with how the race was run as far as having support/volunteers on the course. There just weren't any. Other than that it was a nicely done race. I had VERY little expectations of myself going into this race. I have not been training for it so I was just going to have fun and enjoy. It took a lot of pressure off. My swim sucked. I started in the back and that was a mistake. I was trapped with all the non-swimmers. I did not get in the water ahead of time and I know that is also a mistake. I did not get into a good rhythm until just before the first buoy. Once I got some space and could relax I was good to go. It ended up costing me several minutes in the end. My transitions were slow. But I was not really trying to hurry. In the end it is my run that kills me. I am just slow ... too slow. All and all I had a fun. It went as well as could be expected. I now have plenty of room for improvement for my next one (next year).

Final Time : 1:45:46
Swim: 21:05
T1: 3:27
Bike: 45:14
T2: 2:28
Run: 33:31

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I am just so out of the habit of posting that I forget.

Monday -- I had just a couple minutes to do a quick run. So I ran around the block.

Tuesday -- I ran with Pete on the PRT from Geneva Rd toward the lake. I love running that trail. It is one of my favorite places to run. Wish it wasn't so scary to run alone. We ran 4 miles. Ended up about a 10:15 pace. Our first two miles were just under 10:00. It is good for me to run with someone ... pushes my pace. I definitely slow down to a more comfortable pace when I get tired which is around 10:00-10:20. I felt pretty good on this run.

Wednesday -- Swam Deer Creek with Laura and Kim getting ready for the Yuba tri this weekend. Should have done this more than 3 days before the race. Did ok ... but not great! I am NOT in great shape for doing a tri. Oh well .. just going to have fun.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Pete and I ran Provo canyon last night. 5 miles. 54 min. UGH! It sucked. I felt so crappy. It was like I could not get enough energy to my legs. My stomach felt gross and barfy. Poor Pete was stuck trotting along with me. A little worried about the tri in two weeks!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Pilates today. I was tired after being at school (still adjusting) so I didn't feel all that productive. I am still doing Kettle Bells and that is a great workout.

13.25 mile bike ride. My legs were tired from pilates but warmed up. It was a fun ride. I rode through AF and a bit up the Alpine HWY.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wed -- spent half my running time arguing with myself about whether I should go or not I was going to go running. Running won. I had used up so much of my time that I only ended up going about 2.5 miles. Better than nothing I guess.

Thursday -- Pilates. I am doing Kettle Bells at with my pilates now. Love it.

Friday -- Swam. I did 21 laps in the 25 yard pool. A little over 1/2 miles which is the distance for the tri.

Saturday -- Ran my PG loop route. 3.10 miles. It was an ok run. I walk too much. Not for long ... maybe 10-15 sec. But I just do it too often. My average pace was 10:20 with my walking.

Triathlon is 3 weeks from today! I have got to step it up or it is not going to be fun.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ok .. it is time to get serious! It isn't like I haven't been doing work outs. Just not anything note worthy. Just the same things. But today I signed up for the Yuba Lake Tri so it is time to really get serious and focus.

I did my first swim in a while. (I have done one other since Alcatraz) It was a little rough. I have some work to do.

I came home and did a little bike ride. 5.5 miles ish. It got dark really fast.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pilates today. Did some new stuff. Always feels good.

Laura and I went for a bike ride up a little canyon in Alpine. It was a nice up and felt really good. We went a little over 11 miles. I need to do more rides like that.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I did my first swim workout since Alcatraz! Sure I have been swimming plenty of times. But not a real swim workout. It felt great. I was a little slow and my arms were a bit ... ok they were on fire! But it was nice to get back in the pool! I only did 35 laps (about 1 mile).

Decided to do a little run in the evening. I still don't have my watch so I am not sure how far I went. I think it was about 2 miles. Just a quick little run.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

4.3 mile run this morning. I don't know pace or time. I left my garmin at the cabin last night. (I got the distance off mapmyrun.com. It was a good run. I felt good ... for the most part. My knee started to hurt at the half way point but I tried to just ignore it. I tried to push the pace a little here and there. It felt good.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Once again I have not been very good at logging my workouts ... chalk it up to it being summertime!

Em and I did some fun rides before she left. We did the Provo to Orem "diagonal" which ends up being about a 10 miler. That is a nice hill. On the morning of the 4th we did a short little ride which included the 400 south hill!!! I have avoided that daunting hill since I have gotten my bike. It's a doozy! I won't lie. Our big ride was going over to the west side of Utah lake. We drove just past Saratoga Springs and parked the car. It is a great place to ride because that road goes forever and there isn't much traffic. It is a little hilly so it is a great place to practice using your gears. We road about 12 miles out and then turned around. I think that is my longest ride yet.

I have not done very much running. A few short (two and three milers) here and there. We (Peter, Gavin, Em and I) ran in the Freedom days 5k. I did set a PR (30:24). I still have a ways to go ... but I am improving. It was a fun race.

Today -- I am riding my bike to Pilates (4 miles each way).

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pilates. Boy can I tell that I took 3 1/2 months off. I am slow and weak! I am taking this week pretty easy. My knees are sore from the run. I figure it is better not to push it this week. I will get back into real working out next week.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It finally feels like summer. I got up early and went for a bike ride with Emily. We did the WordPerfect Hill loop. It is a nice little ride. About 10 miles. Love my bike!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Still recovering from Ragnar. Actually feeling really good. My knees are feeling a little tender and I am tired. But I feel a lot better than I thought I would.

I went back to Pilates today for the first time in about 3 1/2 months! I felt SO good!
Did the Ragnar race over the weekend. It was CRAZY and FUN! I ran 13.1 miles in 3 legs over 24 hours. I had some great runs. My night run was my best. I loved it. It was a great experience.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Back home ... ran Provo canyon this morning. 3.5 miles. My shins are now hurting. I think it is because of the knee brace. I sound like an elephant running. I feel like if it is not one thing it is another. I would like to just have a nice run where there is not something wrong!

Emily and Gavin got here this evening. We went for a little 2.5 miler to see how they do with the altitude. They seem fine. I didn't wear my knee brace and had no shin splints. My knee was fine ... but it was only 2.5 miles. It is good for me to run with people. It helps me pick up my pace and doesn't let you stop.

I don't think I will run again before the race.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

6 miles 60:03 I actually did a little more than 6 miles ... and it really took me more than an hour. But I only clocked my actually running time. It was just a rough run. I don't think I ran an entire mile without stopping for one reason or another. Shoe, stretch, finding a Book of Mormon in the road ... I just couldn't get into a rhythm. But I did it and it is done!

I was talking to a friend (Sandi, here in WA) who is a runner. She was talking about how she loves to run because she can just let her mind go. I need to learn to do that better. I find myself thinking about the run, about my body, about my pace etc the entire time. I need to stop thinking about running and just let my mind go somewhere else!

Did a little 2 mile run this evening ... just trying to get use to the multiple run thing. Reminding my legs that we will be running again. It was ok. It was hot.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

3.27 mile run /33:14. Went back along the lake because it has some nice hills. Felt good. My pace is getting fast on the flat for sure.

Friday, June 11, 2010

I am in Moses Lake, WA for the weekend visiting a friend. I went for a fabulous run this morning. She lives right by a lake so I ran down by the lake. There were some good hills to run up and down. I have not done enough of running up OR down hills. I ended up doing a little over 4 miles. Average pace was 10:15 ish. It is so fun to run in new places. I felt really good to. I am trying to really push liquids to make sure I am hydrated ... I think it makes a difference. Good run today.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

2 mile run this morning. 20:32

I had my appointment with Dr. Rich this morning about my knee. Good news! I just need to build up my inner quad muscle (I have no idea what that is really called) When I run longer distances or more miles it fatigues and so my bigger or outside muscle takes over pulling my knee to the outside causing it to rub which is causing the pain. He gave me some exercises to do and a brace to wear. I am SO glad it is not something more serious. I really like him and would totally recommend him to anyone with a sports injury!

Went for my 3rd run in 24 hours. 3 miles ... 34 min! Wow! I have not run that slow in a LONG time. It was more that I took a lot of walk breaks ... as in I think I walked 1/4 of it. I was dead! I just could not make my legs move faster. I ran up Prove canyon again, totally planning on doing 5 miles but there was no way. It was hot and I was just beat. A little worried about the race next weekend. Good thing my long run is at the beginning AND my last leg is down hill.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Back to posting my workouts. I have been running (did 3 while in Cali) and of course did a little swimming but just didn't post them.

Ran Provo canyon with Peter tonight. 5.75 mile. Total time (with a water stop at the half way point) and several walking breaks 1:02 (ugh!). It was a bad run. I felt crappy the entire time. I hit 5 miles at about 53 min (not far off from my Moab time) so that wasn't too bad considering I took a water stop in there and a couple walking breaks. The last .75 was obviously very slow. I had the chills again to. My knee did ok. Started to have some pain. Stopped and stretched. Didn't help much ... or maybe it helped it not get worse. ? Not a great run but at least I got the miles in.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Got up this morning and did a swim before heading into school (last day!). I only did 1/2 mile and didn't time it. I was just trying to get a swim in before leaving for California. I don't know how much swimming I will get in this week before the race so I thought it was important at least get in the pool this morning.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Got up and ran this morning! I LOVE not having to be at school!!! I have not done an early ... first thing in the morning run in a long time. About 1.5 miles into it I started thinking I should have eaten something. I did get over it at about 2 miles. I started to feel really pretty good but then my knee started to really hurt. It is starting to hurt earlier and earlier into my run. This is the worst it has been in a run. I stopped and walked and even that hurt. Lucky I was pretty close to home. After walking a bit I was able to job the rest of the way. It killed my time. I just made an appointment with a sports medicine doctor for when I get home from California.

I ended up going 3.10 miles in 33 min. (walked about the last 1/8 mile ... so bugged!)

PM -- Decided it was probably a good idea to try and actually swim 1.5 miles before heading to California for the Alcatraz race. Went to the Orem Rec so I could swim in the 50 m pool instead of the 25 yard pool. 23 laps is much easier than 50 ish laps. It took me 54 minutes with all my rest. I will admit that at the end my arms were getting tired. It was not super easy. At least now I know I can swim the distance. :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

FINALLY did a lake swim! I met up with some of the girls form the SBR Tri Team to do an open water swim before the Alcatraz race. I figured I should try out my wetsuit (got a new one last year and am worried it is too small) and should practice spotting and all that goes into swimming open water. Wetsuit feels ok. I think it would help if I dropped a few lbs. I was a few pounds less when I got it last year so that would makes sense. I actually felt really good swimming. It only took a minute to relax and get into a nice rhythm. I think we went about 1200 m. I am glad I did this swim ... feeling a little better about doing this race ... a LITTLE!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Woman of Steel Triathlon!

Swim got canceled because it was so cold this morning ... and raining. Yes it is the end of May and there was snow half way down the mountain.

I had so much fun and learned a lot. Lots of room for improvement. We ended up doing a run/bike/run. For someone that struggles with running this was not ideal.

Run 1 (they said one mile ... my garmin said it was little over a mile) 10:22 [my mile pace was 9:44 ... fast for me!]
T1 2:35
Bike 47:10
T2 2:20
Run 2 (2.9 mile) 29:59

Overall time 1:32:29
tied for 284/597

My knee was killing on that second run. I even stopped and stretched [got some good looks for that]. Overall I feel good about things. It was so much fun and I am super excited to do another one ... a real one. This was a great "test run" for me.

Monday, May 17, 2010

7 mile bike ride and then straight into a little run. I didn't wear my watch, but I think it was about a 1.5 mile. Just to get my legs use to that transition.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

2 of the 3! .... Laura and I went and did the bike and run course of our triathlon that is next weekend. The bike took me about 49 min. and I think the run took me about 32 min. (my watch was on a crazy setting and got all messed up). I felt really pretty good. My knee did start to hurt 3/4 of the way through the run so I stopped and stretched and tried running on the sidewalk and grass for a while. I think that did help. The bike is kinda tough with that hill that we have to do twice and then we have to run it too. I walked it. I am feeling much better about next week after having done that today. Now I just have to add the swim to make it a tri!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

12 mile bike ride. Laura and I went and rode the course for the tri we are doing next weekend. I am pretty dang nervous. There is a nasty hill that we have to do twice. Then we have to run it! I am not feeling very prepared for this race.

The ride itself was not bad as far as a work out went.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Swim -- 1 mile 34 min. I am sorta stuck at 34 min. I also need to get past one mile seeing as Alcatraz is 1.5 miles. I am going to head over to the rec. center and do a swim in the 50 m pool next week to mix things up and see what that does to my time.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

3 miles TM. I am struggling. My poor knees. First 2 miles 9:49 pace ... last mile was walk/run because of my knees. I am trying not to push it.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Had a blah workout today. It was mostly mental. I just couldn't get my head into it. I swam about 20 laps. The were kinda random. I timed 6 to try and get an idea of how fast my 300 m is going to be. I am not even sure how many laps 300 m is in a 25 yard pool (that would take some math and I don't do math). Then I just did some random swimming. I don't know why I stopped at 20 laps but I did.

I went out and got on the TM. I was shooting for 3 miles but I just couldn't do it. No reason really. My knee did start to get a little sore so I stopped. I made it two miles. I did do a hill at the end to justify stopping. I did run most of my run under 10:00 so that part was good (all two miles ha!)

Better than nothing but a pretty lame workout.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Friday -- Ran 6 miles -- ish. Peter, Laura and I ran Provo Canyon. My watch died about five minutes into the run. I know where the 2.5 mile mark is to turn around to make it 5 miles and I went past that a little way. Then when I got back to the parking lot I was feeling pretty good so I kept going. I am not sure if I hit 6 miles or not but I think I came pretty close. (Peter and Laura did 7 miles ... they run faster than me so they were a head of me). I have no idea what my pace was. I felt pretty heavy going up for about the first two miles but after that felt really good. My knee started to hurt at about mile 4. It really started to hurt. Saturday it was the most sore it has been in a long time. I had a friend look at it and he says IT band syndrome. GREAT! He gave me some good suggestions. Ragnar is going to be interesting!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Migraine! ugh! Missed another day of running this week. Not good. But I just couldn't get myself to run with this headache. Tomorrow ... I hope.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I took my bike BACK in to get my 3rd flat fixed and get the brakes adjusted again. My poor bike! By the time I got home and changed a BIG black cloud had rolled in along with GAIL force winds. I headed out and attempted a bike ride anyway. I ended up turning around about 2.25 miles out. It is scary riding in wind like that. I almost blew over a couple of time ... literally!

Swim -- I went and swam. I did a 16:30 1/2 mile. Then I did a bunch of drills. Then I did another 1/2 mile but didn't time it.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday -- Swim 1 mile. 34 min. Changed my clothes (went to the bathroom) and headed out to run. Ran 3.10 miles. 32:something min. (TM)

I felt good. The swim is a little slower than I would like it to be. I am just stopping to much. It is hard not to in a pool. I was pretty tired after. When I started my run I thought there was no way I was going to make it 3 miles. But after a few minutes, once my legs warmed up I felt good.

Now I just need to be able to add the bike in there! :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Thursday -- TM (I wussed out and went to the gym. It was windy and cold outside) 4 miles. I walked the first 3 min as a warm up. This kinda wrecks your time. But my average was about 10:00. I even ran some of it at 9:40 (which is really good for me). My knee got very sore at about mile 3.

Friday -- Swimming. I did a little over a mile. I lost track after a mile. Pool got crowded so I got out. I little slower today. Mile was about 34 min.

Saturday -- 5 mile run. Peter and I ran up Provo Canyon trail. I turned around at 2.5. He kept going to do an 8 miler. My total time was about 52 or 53 min. My splits on my watch don't seem very accurate. I lost satellite connection in the trees and it didn't seem very accurate sometimes. This is my first 5 mile run since the Moab race. Felt pretty good. Knee felt better today. Still a little sore but not until mile 4.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Swim -- 1 mile about 34 min.

Friday, April 23, 2010

A little catching up to do ...

Wednesday -- Swim. I know I did 1/2 mile. And then I did some drills. I was not really keeping track. I was in the pool about 30 min.

Thursday -- Ran 3.10 miles. Average pace was 10:11. Felt ok. First mile was tough by the end I was feeling better. Knees are still bothering me a little. Mostly my right knee.

Friday -- Swim. 40 laps total. I am averaging 15 min/1/2 mile. I threw in some drills (mostly at the end. Trying to up my distance a little.

I think I have figured out my workout schedule for the next few weeks. M/W/F Swim. T/Th Run. Sat. Brick (run/bike or swim). Running is based on a 10k training schedule.

Monday, April 19, 2010


10 mile bike ride (I rode the 1600 north loop) A nice ride for my first ride of the season. A good gradual hill.

1 mile swim. I forgot my watch so I was just going by their clock. My first half was right around 15 or 16 min. My second mile was right around the same. I felt great. At the end of my mile I could have kept going. I was not tired ... and that is a good thing.
Spring has sprung and it is time to get my bike out. You know how I LOVE my bike. Laura and I decided that we should put a little time in on our bikes before our tri. Saturday we got all geared up and hit the road. About a mile ... maybe two we hear a pop! Crap! I had a flat. No problem Laura is all geared up with a tire kit. We discover we don't actually know how to use it. Lucky for us two very nice men stop and help us. We got a lesson out of it too. We get my tire changed only to discover that I actually need a new tire! We need to just go home. SUCH A BUMMER! So we ended up doing a whole 4 miles! Such is my life right now.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday -- I hit the pool today. 32 laps (25 yard pool) I think this is about a mile. My time was about 33 min. Not to bad. I felt really good at from about 1/2 mile on. That is when I really get in my groove.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tuesday -- didn't make it swimming. So I just ran. 3 miles. About a 10:00-10:20 pace.

Wednesday -- ran for a few minutes while I waited for a water aerobics to finish up. Walked for 5min. Ran for 10 (10:00 pace) Walked for 5 min. Swam I ended up doing about 1/2 mile I think. Did some drills.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sure didn't work out much on the cruise. Gave my knees a good rest and they are feeling much better. Back to real life ...

Swam with Josh today. We did lots of different drills. I am wiped out. I am really going to have to hit it hard these next 6 weeks to be ready for my tri and Alcatraz!

TM 3 miles. I did ok considering I have not really run in about 3 weeks. About a 10:30 pace. Sped up at the end. My knees feel pretty good.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

It is time to hit the pool! Not only am I suppose to be off my knees right now but I do have Alcatraz coming up in two short months! I swam last night. It felt great. I don't know why I fight it. I love it as soon as I am actually in the pool! I swam about 20 laps and then did three laps of kicks.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Petellar Tendonitis! That is what we are thinking at this point. What does this mean? Ice and rest. I guess I will focus on swimming for the time being. I don't feel that I can really afford to stop running but I don't really have a choice. UGH!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

My knees have been killing me since the race. I went to the gym on Monday and did 15 min. elliptical, 15 min TM walking at an incline, 15 min bike. By Tuesday my knees were throbbing. I took Tuesday and Wednesday off completely. I went back on Thursday and did the bike for 30 min. and the elliptical for 15. I felt a little better. Friday after biking for 30 min decided to try and run a little. Ran one mile (10:00 pace) felt ok, knees hurt at first but felt ok by the end. I didn't push it. Saturday did the same but ran 2 miles and then walked another 1/2 at an incline. It helps to warm up on the bike first. Felt great but knees have been sore throughout the day. Not as bad as before. Not sure if I should have rested more or what the deal is. I have not had knee problems in the past. I had run 5 miles the week before the race and didn't have any problems. Frustrating!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Moab 5 mile Race


Mile 1 -- 10:24
Mile 2 -- 10:30
Mile 3 -- 10:31
Mile 4 -- 10:38
Mile 5 -- 10:23

This race was a lot of fun! It was really cold before the race started I would get on a later shuttle next time (the only negatives). It was a beautiful place to run which made it fun. I felt good. Walked the water stations and for a couple seconds at the top part of a hill. So I think my pace was actually a little faster (more in around 10:00) than what my splits are showing. All and all I am very happy with time and had a good experience.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A couple shorter runs this week (week of my race). I think both runs were just under (2.9 ish miles) 3 miles. I am running most of the run around 10:30. Once in a while my pace will pick up and be more around 10:00 and then sometimes it is closer to 11:00. If I can keep it around 10:30 pace for the race I will feel good about that. I would like to run more consistently at 10:00 in the future. When this race is over I am going to do more speed work.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

5 mile run -- outside. Peter and I did the Provo River Trail. It was a little rainy which was kinda nice. We took it pretty easy. Our pace was around 10:30 - 10:40. I definitely slowed down around mile 4. But all and all I felt good. It was fun to run with someone. We didn't talk (both had music on) but it does help keep the pace and doesn't let you slow down or stop. Feeling good about my race next week.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

4 mile run on the TM. (about a 10:30 pace overall) I felt great ... the best I have felt on a run in a long time. I tried Power Bar gel ... not because I was doing such a long run or anything but I wanted to know how I reacted to a gel. I really liked it. I just felt like it gave me the energy I have been lacking in my runs. I really could have kept going when I hit 4 miles and I never feel that way. I am feeling better about my race next weekend.

Monday, March 8, 2010

A nice 2.5 mile run outside today. Average pace was 10:30 pace. I felt pretty good. I am just easing up my miles this week.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Dang snow! TM at the gym. I guess I could run in the snow but I am not that hard core. 4 miles. 45 min. I walked the first couple min to warm up. The first two miles were at 10:30 and then I started to slow down. I even walked a little. I started to do that chill thing at toward the end. I wish I knew what that was. Hydration?

I did run yesterday too -- 3 miles TM

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ran outside ... just over 3 miles. My pace was all over the place. It average out over the 3 miles to be 10:45 mile. Running on the road hammered me. I was sore after. Gotta do less TM the next two weeks and more road.

It was SUCH a nice day that when I got home I put on my running shoes and headed out for a little run. My legs were tired from pilates but I thought that was good training for upcoming races. I was a little late for the nice weather. The sun was going down and it was pretty chilly! This was not a scheduled running day so I just went around the corner and back for a little over a mile. It was better than nothing. ;)

Friday, February 26, 2010

I am in St. George for the weekend for a conference ... it is a little warmer down here SO I ran outside this afternoon. I have not run outside for a while! It felt really nice to run outside. I only did 2.5 miles. I did get some hills in. I need to do more hills cause it worked me pretty hard and I was slow coming back up. I was pleased with my pace overall. I am faster when I am running outside than I am on the TM.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

TM -- 3 miles running. A warm up and cool down so I ended up doing about 3.5 mile. I was struggling today. I have been battling a headache for a few days. Sad when you struggle through 3 miles.

These races just might kill me!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

4 mile run on the TM today. It was about 45 min. (including my walking warm up). It was ok. Not the best run as far as how I felt. I was all over the place with my pace. But I got the job done!

Had a meeting tonight with the Ragnar team. Holy crap! I need to get my butt in gear and get serious!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

TM -- I did interval workout today. It went really well and felt great. I was surprised how fast I can actually make myself run. I ended up being on the TM for 50 min. I did my run and then ran a very slow hill and then walked at an incline for a bit. It was a good workout. I will definitely keep up the interval training.

Interval Workout

3 min walking warm up
5 min slow run warm up
1 min hard run
1 min slow
repeat 4x
2 min walking
1 min hard run
1 min slow
repeat 4x
2 min walking
5 min slow run ( ended running a little longer)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Swimming this morning. About a 1/2 mile in about 18 min. I think??? I don't keep very good track. It's just too early to really pay attention! :)

I am going to need to either A) get there earlier to get longer swims in OR B) swim at night once in a while to get longer swims in. I can't just be doing 1/2 mile/20 min swims.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

TM -- 3.5 miles at about 10:30 pace average. You would have thought I had just run a marathon. Why oh why is running so dang hard for me?

I did some walking to cool down. Ended up being about 40 min.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Snowshoeing! I had the day off so my dad and I went up to the cabin and went for a snowshoe. We were out for about an hour and half. I decided to count that as my workout for the day. It was nice to do something other than the TM!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Friday -- TM at the gym. 3.5 miles (had to stop and rest a few times ... wasn't feeling great). I should be taking advantage of these warmer days and be running outside.

Saturday -- TM 40 min. total. I ran 3 miles at about 10 min pace. Then 10 min. walked at an incline.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Swim workout this morning. I sorta kept track of my distance (over 1/2 mile) and time (about 30 or 35min). I am a little sore from doing TRX at Pilates on Monday. I thought swimming would loosen my arms up ... but it didn't. I am feeling it today.

Pilates this afternoon.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

TM -- 40 min. It was a pretty good run. A few min of a warm up and then ran about 3 miles with a few min cool down.

Elliptical -- 20 min.

Friday, February 5, 2010

TM 35 min. Elliptical 10 min.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Gym night

15 min. TM
15 min elliptical
15 min TM

Just trying to mix things up a bit.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

25 min swim this morning. I didn't keep track of my distance. I felt good. I am getting faster as my arms are getting looser. If only I could improve this quickly with running! I might try and do a run this afternoon .. we'll see.

Monday, February 1, 2010

I am officially HARD CORE! I went to the gym at 5:45 this morning. Who knew that the gym was hoping at such an hour? My plan is to swim in the mornings on Mondays and Wednesdays because these are my pilates days. I did a 1/2 mile swim ... about 20 min. Not to bad for my second swim. Obviously need to get my speed up but am just trying to get back into things right now.

A trainer was in the pool area working with someone, as I finished my swim he asked me when my first race is. :) I will take that as a compliment!

Pilates -- One hour. I was dragging bit at this point.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Well I FINALLY did it ... I joined a gym. SO ... I FINALLY got myself in the pool! I have not been in the pool since September ... maybe early October. I did a 45 min swim (with lots of resting) it took me a while to warm up but once I did I felt great. How I love to swim! I need to work on my form and get my arms back in shape. But overall it felt great! I am excited.

I also did a TM workout at the gym. Much nicer TM there. Really trying to push myself on distance and speed. I have about 6 weeks until my Moab race and have GOT to pick it up!

Monday, January 25, 2010

I have become such a slacker on posting my workouts!

Saturday I did the TM. I actually had a pretty good workout. 45 min run ... and I didn't even get off to check my email or anything! :) I am speeding up a bit too.

Today -- pilates

Sunday, January 17, 2010

It is Saturday so I got to run outside! I headed out geared out in my warm clothes with the intent of doing a 5 miler. About a 1/2 mile into my run my iPod died. Well I don't love running so this was not good! No worries I kept going. About a mile into my run I got a stomach ache/side ache. Sorta felt like I was going to barf! It was just not my day. So I turned around at a little over a mile. I took a longer route home and only ended up doing about a 2 1/2 mile run. So there you have it!

Friday, January 15, 2010

TM and bike for a total of 45 min. It almost killed me to be on the TM last night. I just get so bored! I watch TV, I have my iPod on. It doesn't help! I just need to make it work to get out early and run outside!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I ran outside today!!! It felt GREAT to not be on the treadmill! I did just over 3 miles. I haven't done that run since ... I think before my heart procedure. I put my new cold weather running clothes to the test and LOVE them! Oh it just felt so good to be outside. I don't watch the clock the whole time. I am going do more running outside now.

Friday, January 8, 2010

TM 35 min. (weird run ... just didn't feel in the groove)

Did the red ball. My right hamstring has been SO tight!
No I am not dead! I got sick ... AGAIN over Christmas! (the life of being a teacher!) I missed a couple weeks of working out but I am back! I am not going to try and catch up my log so I will just start with yesterday.

Pilates. I had a great workout! I was the only one there so I had a personal session. I tried a little TRX. Love it! We are going to work on getting my upper body a little stronger for my swimming. If you don't know what TRX is look it up. It is great! I have also started some new exercises to strengthen my quads. I am a little sore today.

Excited to get back to it! First race is in 2 1/2 months!