Monday, April 26, 2010

Swim -- 1 mile about 34 min.

Friday, April 23, 2010

A little catching up to do ...

Wednesday -- Swim. I know I did 1/2 mile. And then I did some drills. I was not really keeping track. I was in the pool about 30 min.

Thursday -- Ran 3.10 miles. Average pace was 10:11. Felt ok. First mile was tough by the end I was feeling better. Knees are still bothering me a little. Mostly my right knee.

Friday -- Swim. 40 laps total. I am averaging 15 min/1/2 mile. I threw in some drills (mostly at the end. Trying to up my distance a little.

I think I have figured out my workout schedule for the next few weeks. M/W/F Swim. T/Th Run. Sat. Brick (run/bike or swim). Running is based on a 10k training schedule.

Monday, April 19, 2010


10 mile bike ride (I rode the 1600 north loop) A nice ride for my first ride of the season. A good gradual hill.

1 mile swim. I forgot my watch so I was just going by their clock. My first half was right around 15 or 16 min. My second mile was right around the same. I felt great. At the end of my mile I could have kept going. I was not tired ... and that is a good thing.
Spring has sprung and it is time to get my bike out. You know how I LOVE my bike. Laura and I decided that we should put a little time in on our bikes before our tri. Saturday we got all geared up and hit the road. About a mile ... maybe two we hear a pop! Crap! I had a flat. No problem Laura is all geared up with a tire kit. We discover we don't actually know how to use it. Lucky for us two very nice men stop and help us. We got a lesson out of it too. We get my tire changed only to discover that I actually need a new tire! We need to just go home. SUCH A BUMMER! So we ended up doing a whole 4 miles! Such is my life right now.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday -- I hit the pool today. 32 laps (25 yard pool) I think this is about a mile. My time was about 33 min. Not to bad. I felt really good at from about 1/2 mile on. That is when I really get in my groove.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tuesday -- didn't make it swimming. So I just ran. 3 miles. About a 10:00-10:20 pace.

Wednesday -- ran for a few minutes while I waited for a water aerobics to finish up. Walked for 5min. Ran for 10 (10:00 pace) Walked for 5 min. Swam I ended up doing about 1/2 mile I think. Did some drills.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sure didn't work out much on the cruise. Gave my knees a good rest and they are feeling much better. Back to real life ...

Swam with Josh today. We did lots of different drills. I am wiped out. I am really going to have to hit it hard these next 6 weeks to be ready for my tri and Alcatraz!

TM 3 miles. I did ok considering I have not really run in about 3 weeks. About a 10:30 pace. Sped up at the end. My knees feel pretty good.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

It is time to hit the pool! Not only am I suppose to be off my knees right now but I do have Alcatraz coming up in two short months! I swam last night. It felt great. I don't know why I fight it. I love it as soon as I am actually in the pool! I swam about 20 laps and then did three laps of kicks.