Friday, February 26, 2010

I am in St. George for the weekend for a conference ... it is a little warmer down here SO I ran outside this afternoon. I have not run outside for a while! It felt really nice to run outside. I only did 2.5 miles. I did get some hills in. I need to do more hills cause it worked me pretty hard and I was slow coming back up. I was pleased with my pace overall. I am faster when I am running outside than I am on the TM.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

TM -- 3 miles running. A warm up and cool down so I ended up doing about 3.5 mile. I was struggling today. I have been battling a headache for a few days. Sad when you struggle through 3 miles.

These races just might kill me!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

4 mile run on the TM today. It was about 45 min. (including my walking warm up). It was ok. Not the best run as far as how I felt. I was all over the place with my pace. But I got the job done!

Had a meeting tonight with the Ragnar team. Holy crap! I need to get my butt in gear and get serious!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

TM -- I did interval workout today. It went really well and felt great. I was surprised how fast I can actually make myself run. I ended up being on the TM for 50 min. I did my run and then ran a very slow hill and then walked at an incline for a bit. It was a good workout. I will definitely keep up the interval training.

Interval Workout

3 min walking warm up
5 min slow run warm up
1 min hard run
1 min slow
repeat 4x
2 min walking
1 min hard run
1 min slow
repeat 4x
2 min walking
5 min slow run ( ended running a little longer)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Swimming this morning. About a 1/2 mile in about 18 min. I think??? I don't keep very good track. It's just too early to really pay attention! :)

I am going to need to either A) get there earlier to get longer swims in OR B) swim at night once in a while to get longer swims in. I can't just be doing 1/2 mile/20 min swims.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

TM -- 3.5 miles at about 10:30 pace average. You would have thought I had just run a marathon. Why oh why is running so dang hard for me?

I did some walking to cool down. Ended up being about 40 min.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Snowshoeing! I had the day off so my dad and I went up to the cabin and went for a snowshoe. We were out for about an hour and half. I decided to count that as my workout for the day. It was nice to do something other than the TM!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Friday -- TM at the gym. 3.5 miles (had to stop and rest a few times ... wasn't feeling great). I should be taking advantage of these warmer days and be running outside.

Saturday -- TM 40 min. total. I ran 3 miles at about 10 min pace. Then 10 min. walked at an incline.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Swim workout this morning. I sorta kept track of my distance (over 1/2 mile) and time (about 30 or 35min). I am a little sore from doing TRX at Pilates on Monday. I thought swimming would loosen my arms up ... but it didn't. I am feeling it today.

Pilates this afternoon.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

TM -- 40 min. It was a pretty good run. A few min of a warm up and then ran about 3 miles with a few min cool down.

Elliptical -- 20 min.

Friday, February 5, 2010

TM 35 min. Elliptical 10 min.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Gym night

15 min. TM
15 min elliptical
15 min TM

Just trying to mix things up a bit.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

25 min swim this morning. I didn't keep track of my distance. I felt good. I am getting faster as my arms are getting looser. If only I could improve this quickly with running! I might try and do a run this afternoon .. we'll see.

Monday, February 1, 2010

I am officially HARD CORE! I went to the gym at 5:45 this morning. Who knew that the gym was hoping at such an hour? My plan is to swim in the mornings on Mondays and Wednesdays because these are my pilates days. I did a 1/2 mile swim ... about 20 min. Not to bad for my second swim. Obviously need to get my speed up but am just trying to get back into things right now.

A trainer was in the pool area working with someone, as I finished my swim he asked me when my first race is. :) I will take that as a compliment!

Pilates -- One hour. I was dragging bit at this point.