Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Just over a 3 mile run this morning. My time was 33 min. I was not feeling great. I even stopped and walked for a bit. I don't usually do that. I had planned on doing 4 miles but ended up cutting it short.

Got a pretty good headache about an hour maybe two after my run. (first one .. well real one .. in about two weeks)

Rode my bike to pilates. 4 miles each way. It takes me about 17 min. each way.

Pilates one hour.

1 comment:

  1. Are they going to give you anti depressants with your heart procedure? Because at this rate you'll need them to feel better about the loss of exercise! You're making me tired to read about all of your energy! Keep up the good work - I'm going to count it for the both of us! :)
